Petra Slade - coaching -

Deep Relationships and Trust

I believe that your purpose is to live a simple, happy life. Enjoy who you are, what you have and what you do. I also believe that the quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life.
Through trust, healthy and deep relationships, you thrive in your personal and professional life. You are able to deal with cricis better, you are able to connect deeply, you experience more joy.

My clients are from all walks of life. Visionaries who inspire, lead others well and make a difference in the world. Entrepreneurs who do what they love and take a good care of their family too. Employees wishing to escape the 9-5 slavery and have a more meaningful life. Mums at home making stuff that also sells.

Do you need to know more about coaching? Click here

About you

Who I love working with
  • You want more joy and fulfilment in life.
  • You want to bring value and something good to the world.
  • You are committed.
  • You are open to trying new things even if you think they won’t work.
  • You won’t let fear stop you taking action.
  • You are a doer, a go-getter.
  • You are a kind person and mean well for others.
  • Your life is good, you are happy with your successes and achievements so far.
  • You may have failed before but you have learnt from it and see it as part of your growth.
  • You are now ready to invest a lot of time, money and energy in yourself.

I don’t work with those who:
  • Are wishful thinkers but not doers.
  • Are negative and blame others and the world for all that’s happening.
  • Are too opinionated and would not open up to different perspectives.
  • Don’t respect their time and mine.
  • Hope I will give them a magic pill or one simple solution.

The benefits of our regular conversations

You give yourself the time and space you need. Time and space where you can reflect, feel and dream freely, with understanding and encouragement as oppose to judment and ridicule. 

You get to know yourself well; you learn to recognise your strengths and gifts. Your confidence in yourself and your decisions is growing. 

You have time to explore your vision and where you are heading in life. You become clearer about what you are creating and you set exciting goals for yourself. You hold yourself accountable to stay on track. You open up to new posibilities, previously considered impossible. When you get stuck, you do your best to get going again. You might be scared, yet excited about the challenges you set for yourself. There will be scary steps ahead of you but you will take them, knowing that those actions will create the results you want.

We catch your doubts and fears. Blocks, limits and barriers you put in front of yourself. Most of those setbacks arise from your own limiting beliefs about yourself and about the world. Maybe they were true in the past but do not serve your goals anymore in the present. You learn the power of positive language and how it creates your reality. You learn to rewrite your limiting beliefs. You learn to set boundries, feel independent of the good or bad opinion of others, handle rejection graciously. You learn to start and finish the day with gratitude and joy.

Success and results are completely up to you. I will remain unattached to these. Allowing you to maintain that stance will help you create those much faster than if I were to take on those responsibilities myself. 
I promise to see you and hold you as the powerful human being you are.

Read the testimonials below and get in touch to schedule our first powerful conversation.
J.S. Petra gave me the opportunity to pause at such a fast time. To see with a clear view whether my usual decisions are the right ones for me and bring me joy and satisfaction in life. Michael Hartman At the beginning of my work with Petra, we established mutual agreements on how our coaching conversations will be and what is expected from each other. Such agreements are an amazing tool that I now use in my work and elsewhere! Petra takes her work seriously and professionally, she is an amazing woman. I am very happy to recommend her services!

How can I help?

If you are interested in a powerful
conversation, let’s connect.

There are three things I want to know:
  1. What are your goals right now?
  2. What about these goals scare you?
  3. How do you know you're ready anyway?

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* last name:
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phone number:
* How can I help?
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I agree with the processing of my personal data.
For information about processing your personal information,
please see the page „PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA”.

If you prefer, contact Petra directly at:

+420 607 279 329

Inventory of your relationships Test your levels of trust, health and depth of your personal and professional relationships. 30. 07. 2020 Deep Relationships and Trust - 30 mins Guided Morning Rituals Starting on 7 October 2020 -Wednesdays and Fridays 8.30am UK time, 9.30am CET. Guided morning rituals, learnings and inspiration to bring depth and trust into your romantic, personal and professional relationships. 08. 07. 2020 Mysterious Mornings. Welcome. Thirty minutes of your morning/day to tap into your subconscious mind, spiritual guide, angels, devils, supernatural source, intuition, wisdom. 27. 05. 2020
Inventory of your relationships Take stock of your levels of trust, health and depth in this questionnaire.
Reflect on what gaps you may have and want to change. You may see patterns that help you survive and thrive in the crisis.
29. 07. 2020
10 healthy principles of all relationships ​First principle: My business vs your business
What is my responsibility and what is your responsibility.
01. 05. 2020
What is coaching? Coaching is magic. It is a magical time where you rediscover yourself. Where you dream and build that dream. 28. 06. 2019
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