Inventory of your relationships Take stock of your levels of trust, health and depth in this questionnaire.
Reflect on what gaps you may have and want to change. You may see patterns that help you survive and thrive in the crisis.
29. 07. 2020
10 healthy principles of all relationships ​First principle: My business vs your business
What is my responsibility and what is your responsibility.
01. 05. 2020
What is coaching? Coaching is magic. It is a magical time where you rediscover yourself. Where you dream and build that dream. 28. 06. 2019 5 tips to help you persevere and succeed in your New Year's resolution Statistics indicate that only 8% of people actually persevere with their NY's resolutions.
In this article I share my top 5 tips to help you succeed.
27. 12. 2018
Coaching v Mentoring v Consulting v Counselling Comparing and contrasting coaching to other forms of professional support such as mentoring, consulting and counselling. Considering at least 3 similarities as well as differences in terms of key skills and methodology. 21. 12. 2018 Five things that might help you start and keep going in your business ​What it takes and how you can maybe do your own thing too. 03. 12. 2018 The success principles These principles have helped me to get to where I am today - happy, fulfilled, having great relationships, feeling secure and abundant, loving what I do.
I learnt these from my coaches and mentors, from wonderful books and mainly from practicing!

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03. 11. 2018
About fear I believe that fear shows you the path you should take.

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17. 10. 2018
Texting can ruin your relationship How often do we misunderstand the text messages? What assumptions do we make? What stories do we create in our heads? If we are not careful, we live in a fantasy world!!! Totally made up by assumptions! By our fears and insecurities! 05. 10. 2018 Three things you can do today to create the life you desire. I invite you on a journey, through the forest, through the peaceful meadows. Imagine that time stopped and space expanded. You feel free and light. And you begin to wonder about yourself and imagine your life even better than it already is. 25. 09. 2018
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