I believe that too many people live someone else’s dreams. 

At the age of 32, I went through a personal crisis. It felt as if my life was someone else's life. I questioned everything - what do I want? I longed for a deeper relationship and more fulfilment in my professional life. I felt that there must be a better life for me. I was determined to find it, to create it. 
0-32 years

* I am a girl from the smallest village in the Czech Republic (50 people).
* At 20 years old I moved to London.
* I fell in love and got married at 25.
* I worked for a respectable EU company, made more money than I ever thought possible.
* I travelled a fair bit.
* I felt sad, unhappy and commited in a marriage that no longer worked for me.
* I struggled with low confidence and feeling unworthy (most of my life). 
* I became frustrated and bored in my job because it no longer made sense to me.
* I hated the endless commuting through noisy London. 

32-40 years old

* I now live a much simpler life with greater joy, inner-peace, love and fulfilment.
* I am building a life that is less about work and money and more about joy, comfort and slow pace.
* I have a partner who is reliable and we look forward to our adventures.
* We moved to Czech Republic, close to my family and roots.
* We are adopting a minimalist lifestyle, a sustainable way of living.
* We live more conciously. We make healthier choices.
* We don't have children as it feels a lot of responsibility.
* We have two furry babies (dogs).

I continue to learn and grow through challenges and goals. I surround myself with inspiring people who enrich my life. I invest time, money and energy to further develop my skills and craft. I work with coaches, mentors and therapists to grow. I believe that I have to do the work on myself so that I can do the work with you. I continue building up courage and confidence to follow my vision and dreams.

Petra Slade
Hutě pod Třemšínem 79
IČ 07166974
Zapsána v živ. rej. MěÚ Příbram - OŽÚ dle § 71 odst. 2 živnostenského zákona č. 455/1991 sb. od 28. 05. 2018.
I believe and practice these principles which have helped me to get to where I am today:
  • Being kind to myself and learning to love who I am, as I am
  • I am an optimist and a doer
  • I take calculated risks, a step back to be able to take steps forward
  • I am scared but do it anyway
  • I believe that fear shows me the path I should take
  • Failure is a part of success; it shows that I tried and teaches me a valuable lesson.
  • I do the inner work on myself so that I can help others
  • I believe that my thoughts create my reality so I take care of my mind
  • I don’t have to be perfect before I take action
  • I stay calm and strong in challenging situations
  • I give what I want to receive, it works wonders
  • I am open to other perspectives
  • I respect others as very unique individual beings
I can help you to get on your own path.


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